In many cases, homes are not accessible to persons with disabilities. Doorways are too narrow. Stairs are impossible to negotiate for people who use wheel-chairs. Bathrooms lack accommodations to persons with limited mobility. Sinks, stoves and light switches are too high.
Although TRCIL does not fund Home Modifications in most circumstances, there are many programs available to help people with disabilities make modifications to their homes – modifications which will allow them to remain in their homes.
Solutions can range from low-tech additions, such as installing ramps, or widening hallways, through the installation of high-tech devices such as voice-activated environmental control systems.
Funding for these modifications can be obtained from several sources, including, but not limited to:
- Local and county programs can provide the needed modifications at low, or no cost to those who lack financial resources to obtain the modifications themselves.
- The Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation can provide low-interest loans to pay for home modifications.
- Devices, such as stair glides and lifts, can be obtained from the Recycled Equipment Exchange Project.
The Assistive Technology Department of Three Rivers Center for Independent Living can provide resources and information to those seeking to have such modifications done to their homes.
For questions regarding this service or these programs,
call (412) 321-7545, TTY (412) 632-7454 or contact Scarlett Curtis at